The positive influence of pooches

On a day-to-day, and more personal, level there are many ‘bona fido’ health benefits from spending time with dogs.
The benefits of having dogs in your domain are many and varied. Companionship through to physical fitness are just two of the blessings that can accrue value to life and wellbeing.
However, will having a canine in your world have any influence on your mortality? Surprisingly, or not, there is evidence saying it just might, based on a study Dog ownership and the risk of cardiovascular disease and death – a nationwide cohort study (M Mubanga et al, 2017; and published in British Medical Journal 2019).
Swedes have a reputation for being meticulous in their recording of what might seem arcane information. Yet digging deeper into their data has added to the growing body of medical evidence to consider bringing a dog into your house for strong medicinal reasons.
Among the records kept by the Swedish government on its citizens are dog ownership, the number of individuals in a household, and cause of death.
This admixture of indices delivered a unique opportunity to examine the association of dog ownership on mortality in over 3 million adults (13% of whom owned dogs). Another variable was how living alone, or in a multi-person household, might influence this relationship.