Haumaru Housing is a limited partnership between the Auckland Council and The Selwyn Foundation which provides safe and affordable housing to older people.

Sixty-two residential villages across the Auckland region are being systematically refurbished to meet the health, social and community needs of older people.
The partnership represents a major opportunity for the council’s existing and prospective tenants, in terms of safeguarding their future living environments and providing the assurance of a quality service backed up by the principles and values of a registered charity, whose 65-plus year mission has been the wellbeing of older people.
It unlocks greater potential for The Selwyn Foundation to help and support a much larger proportion of our older population. Through this joint venture company, we are able to provide outstanding housing for older Aucklanders – to create safe, age-friendly neighbourhoods, where houses are homes, streets are communities, and tenants are well served and content where they live and with the services they receive.
This partnership is as much about securing the futures of older people and enhancing their wellbeing, as it is about housing. It goes to the heart of the Foundation’s charitable purpose – improving the lives of the more vulnerable, aged members of our society. We are extremely excited by the opportunity. Haumaru Housing took over operation of Auckland Council’s Housing for Older People service on 1 July 2017.
If you would like to apply for housing, you can contact Haumaru Housing now on 0800 430 101 or email: info@haumaruhousing.co.nz or visit their website www.haumaruhousing.co.nz.